Vaccines save over 700,000 lives 
Vaccines save over 700,000 lives
Immunizations are helping to prevent childhood death and illness.
4 tips to help your stressed out teen 
4 tips to help your stressed out teen
Here’s what parents can do to help their children manage school-related stress.
Kids are getting drunk on hand sanitizer 
Kids are getting drunk on hand sanitizer
There has been a sharp rise in children consuming the liquid, according to a new analysis.
Underage drinking can cause long-term harm to young brains  Featured
Underage drinking can cause long-term harm to young brains
An expert offers advice on talking to kids about the consequences of alcohol consumption.
Are athletes drinking too much water? 
Are athletes drinking too much water?
Let your thirst guide you if you are trying to stay hydrated.
How shorter lunch periods impact kids’ nutrition 
How shorter lunch periods impact kids’ nutrition
More of their meals are thrown away when children have 20 minutes or less to eat.
Help kids get a good night’s sleep 
Help kids get a good night’s sleep
A pediatrician offers a few tips to help children wind down at the end of the day.