Why babies need vitamin K 
Why babies need vitamin K
Some parents are confusing the injection with a vaccine and may be putting their infants at risk.
Kids are experiencing delayed allergic reactions 
Kids are experiencing delayed allergic reactions
A new study sheds light on a dangerous and little known risk of symptoms reappearing hours later.
Can a child’s sense of smell be a sign of autism? 
Can a child’s sense of smell be a sign of autism?
According to a new study, examining a child’s sniff response may lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment.
How contaminated is that swimming pool? 
How contaminated is that swimming pool?
Stay safe by avoiding fecal matter and urine during your next swim.
Keeping kids safe this summer 
Keeping kids safe this summer
Here are a few tips to keep children safe at the beach, in the water and on the road.
Younger Americans looking for more nutritious snacks 
Younger Americans looking for more nutritious snacks
Even as the obesity epidemic continues, there’s a hunger for healthier options.
Inspiring Kids: Mackenzie’s Story 
Inspiring Kids: Mackenzie’s Story
After feeling sick for many years, MacKenzie was diagnosed with celiac disease. Now she’s following a gluten free diet and feeling great.