Student doctors test their skills in rural Africa  Featured
Student doctors test their skills in rural Africa
A new program offers pediatric residents the chance to practice medicine in some of the most demanding situations.
Trans fat is getting the boot 
Trans fat is getting the boot
The FDA has ordered all food manufacturers to kick hydrogenated oils to the curb by 2018.
Teens are drinking less alcohol 
Teens are drinking less alcohol
A recent survey finds that this risky behavior is declining in popularity.
A babysitter’s guide to prevent poisoning  Featured
A babysitter’s guide to prevent poisoning
Here’s how to keep kids safe and what to do in case of an emergency.
Baby-Friendly hospitals help more moms breastfeed  Featured
Baby-Friendly hospitals help more moms breastfeed
Find out about a national program making a difference for the smallest patients.
Shocking number of children aren’t properly hydrated 
Shocking number of children aren’t properly hydrated
Dehydration is fairly common and parents may be to blame.
Keeping kids safe while playing in the water 
Keeping kids safe while playing in the water
A pediatrician offers advice on how to protect your little ones.