Consider skipping your daily shower 
Consider skipping your daily shower
Experts say we may be washing away natural oils and harming our skin. Learn more.
Learning to love a ‘different mom’  Featured
Learning to love a ‘different mom’
Actress Kimberly Williams-Paisley’s open discussion about her mother’s dementia is shedding light on the condition.
How concussion laws are changing the sports landscape 
How concussion laws are changing the sports landscape
Find out the steps you can take to prevent head injuries in student athletes.
Does your child need their tonsils removed?  Featured
Does your child need their tonsils removed?
Our expert sheds light on this common procedure.
That bite to the hand could be more serious than you think 
That bite to the hand could be more serious than you think
Ignoring this injury could lead to infection, permanent disability or even amputation.
Why people get sick in winter 
Why people get sick in winter
Researchers found that the common cold virus replicates faster when temperatures are low.
Teaching gardens promote healthy habits 
Teaching gardens promote healthy habits
School vegetable gardens are encouraging students to eat healthy.