Why your child’s fever might be a good thing 
Why your child’s fever might be a good thing
Parents can be alarmed as they watch the thermometer rise. Here’s what you need to know.
Breastfeeding bonds mothers and babies 
Breastfeeding bonds mothers and babies
Find out how nursing after a Cesarean surgery can improve the birthing experience.
Instagram may ruin your appetite 
Instagram may ruin your appetite
Researchers say the more food pics you see on social media, the less likely you are to chow down.
Cyber dating abuse on the rise 
Cyber dating abuse on the rise
Parents, learn how open conversations and technology rules can help your teen avoid this rising issue.
Cooking classes positively impact kids’ food choices 
Cooking classes positively impact kids’ food choices
Learn how this fun way of teaching children can ultimately benefit their health.
New one-of-a-kind asthma program launches  Featured
New one-of-a-kind asthma program launches
Asthma is one of the leading causes of school absenteeism. Learn how this new effort is helping.
Autism through Kelly’s eyes  Featured
Autism through Kelly’s eyes
Autism spectrum disorders can cause social challenges and other struggles. But one 11-year-old sees her situation differently.