Car seat safety 101 
Car seat safety 101
Learn the do’s and don’ts on car seat safety from our pediatrician expert.
Hip hop takes on mental health 
Hip hop takes on mental health
A new program hopes to raise awareness and reduce stigma of behavioral health issues through hip hop music.
Infographic: Snapshot of diabetes in the U.S.  Featured
Infographic: Snapshot of diabetes in the U.S.
Take a look at the stats for diabetes across America.
3 serious skin rashes for wrestlers 
3 serious skin rashes for wrestlers
Skin-to-skin contact in wrestling can result in rashes that need immediate attention.
Craving a soda? What to drink instead 
Craving a soda? What to drink instead
The nation’s first soda tax was recently passed. Check out these healthy substitutes to satisfy cravings for the sugary fizzes.
Allergy myths may keep your pediatrician guessing 
Allergy myths may keep your pediatrician guessing
New research finds that the best information on allergy treatments may come from allergists vs. pediatricians.
Hundreds of tots poisoned by laundry detergent pods 
Hundreds of tots poisoned by laundry detergent pods
A new study uncovers the dangers of this popularly used cleaning product.