Walking to school is good for everyone 
Walking to school is good for everyone
Researchers take a deep dive into the benefits of students hoofing it to class.
Lifestyle education helps young adults manage blood pressure 
Lifestyle education helps young adults manage blood pressure
Key information from the doctor’s office could help control this disease.
Get active in the classroom 
Get active in the classroom
Just four minutes of physical activity can improve kids’ behavior in school.
Music therapy helps reduce depression in kids and teens 
Music therapy helps reduce depression in kids and teens
Learn how a different type of treatment can improve mental health for kids.
How psoriasis gets under your skin 
How psoriasis gets under your skin
An expert explains what the condition is and how to manage it.
First aid 101  Featured
First aid 101
Learn when first aid is required for nasty cuts and bruises and how to administer it.
Inspiring Kids: Luke’s story 
Inspiring Kids: Luke’s story
After doctors discovered a congenital heart defect in an ultrasound, Luke had heart surgery soon after birth.