How play helps sick kids cope 
How play helps sick kids cope
Armed with medical toys, seriously ill kids and their siblings can work through fears to a successful recovery.
Feeding cues for premies 
Feeding cues for premies
Experts say strict feeding schedules won’t work for premature infants. Here’s four tips that can help.
Obesity linked to early puberty in girls 
Obesity linked to early puberty in girls
According to a new study, girls are maturing faster than ever before—and weight may be a key factor.
Cancer diagnosis increases kids’ suicide rate 
Cancer diagnosis increases kids’ suicide rate
Teens and young adults are at a higher risk of suicidal tendencies after learning they have cancer, new research says.
1 in 10 teens abuse pain meds and sedatives 
1 in 10 teens abuse pain meds and sedatives
Study results place ERs in the spotlight for screening and intervention opportunities.
Even healthy kids can die from flu 
Even healthy kids can die from flu
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, parents shouldn’t underestimate the severity of the flu with their little ones.
Online driving program to reduce teen fatalities 
Online driving program to reduce teen fatalities
Find out how a new web-based initiative will help keep young drivers safe on the road.