Parents’ guide to the pediatric ER  Featured
Parents’ guide to the pediatric ER
Find out why size and experience matter when it comes to pediatric emergency room care.
More bad news about kids and sugary drinks 
More bad news about kids and sugary drinks
Parents who allow their children to drink sweetened beverages might think twice after reading this new report.
How to detect unhealthy snoring in kids 
How to detect unhealthy snoring in kids
Cute as it may sound, your toddler (or teen) may be suffering from sleep apnea.
How excess sugar can be deadly 
How excess sugar can be deadly
New research shows that your three-soda-a-day habit can be more than unhealthy. It could shorten your life.
Recess isn’t just fun and games 
Recess isn’t just fun and games
School kids may be more productive in the classroom with a bit of free-form playtime outside of it. Find out why.
How to keep your kids safe from poisons  Featured
How to keep your kids safe from poisons
Find out how everyday household items can pose a danger to children.
Can ADHD make driving dangerous for kids? 
Can ADHD make driving dangerous for kids?
Experts say all motorists should avoid texting and driving but new research finds that teens with ADHD are especially vulnerable for accidents.