Breastfeeding is on the rise 
Breastfeeding is on the rise
More and more U.S. moms are choosing to breastfeed their babies.
Does your Tween have an eating disorder? 
Does your Tween have an eating disorder?
Alarming new report sheds light on the growing number of boys and girls suffering with eating disorders.
Parents can weigh in on new USDA snack guidelines 
Parents can weigh in on new USDA snack guidelines
The USDA wants your opinion on healthy food options in schools.
Young hearts no longer run free  Featured
Young hearts no longer run free
You’re young. You’re invincible. You have your whole life ahead of you. You don’t worry about things like heart disease, or a sudden heart attack. That’s what your parents—or grandparents—worry about, right? Well, the chances are increasing that you could be very, very wrong. The number of young adults suffering cardiovascular disease is on the rise. Just ask Dan Cavanaugh.
Obesity in girls linked to multiple sclerosis 
Obesity in girls linked to multiple sclerosis
New study may link childhood obesity to multiple sclerosis.
CDC recommends whooping cough vaccine for pregnant women 
CDC recommends whooping cough vaccine for pregnant women
Whooping cough new rules
New nasty stomach bug traveling across US 
New nasty stomach bug traveling across US
If the flu wasn’t enough to contend with this year, a nasty norovirus bug is making its way across the country, according to the national […]