When an alternative school might be a good option 
When an alternative school might be a good option
This is how it worked out for one teenager.
Preemies dress up to celebrate their first Halloween 
Preemies dress up to celebrate their first Halloween
Check out these adorable premature infants in Halloween costumes.
Here’s the most popular Halloween candy in your state 
Here’s the most popular Halloween candy in your state
Does it line up with your favorite?
Spooky season is upon us. Are you prepared? 
Spooky season is upon us. Are you prepared?
Check out these tips for frightfully festive fun.
How to plan for a healthy pregnancy 
How to plan for a healthy pregnancy
Here are some risk factors you’ll want to be aware of.
This common household item can pose a deadly threat 
This common household item can pose a deadly threat
Despite years of warnings, you might be surprised by what continues to be a safety hazard to kids.
Are chicken pox parties still a thing? 
Are chicken pox parties still a thing?
Here’s what you need to know about where things stand.