Music to a mother’s ears 
Music to a mother’s ears
A speech-language pathologist tackles a little boy’s inability to communicate effectively, giving him the courage to speak.
Is getting enough shuteye just a dream? 
Is getting enough shuteye just a dream?
Sometimes that’s okay – new research explains why.
Flu shots get celebrity treatment  Featured
Flu shots get celebrity treatment
Golden Globes hosts teased anti-vaxxers by offering stars free flu vaccines this year. Find out your chances of catching the virus this season.
Where is he now? 
Where is he now?
Life has changed for a young hockey player paralyzed while playing a game in Chicago almost two years ago. His new normal.
Go to work or stay home with your sick child? 
Go to work or stay home with your sick child?
An expert offers tips for when your child is under the weather.
Lack of physical activity has reached crisis levels  Featured
Lack of physical activity has reached crisis levels
How not participating can be detrimental to a person’s health, no matter their age.
Can helping others extend your life?  Featured
Can helping others extend your life?
Providing others with support may add years to your life.