Which type of physical exam do you need? 
Which type of physical exam do you need?
Not sure what appointment to ask for? Read this.
What you need to know about sepsis 
What you need to know about sepsis
Understanding the infection can save your life and prepare you for recovery.
Can you do anything to prevent cancer? 
Can you do anything to prevent cancer?
Owning your cancer risk may help you actively reduce it.
Why daily baby aspirin isn’t for everyone  Featured
Why daily baby aspirin isn’t for everyone
A poll found that 57% of older adults are incorrectly taking it.
Td and Tdap vaccines: What’s the difference? 
Td and Tdap vaccines: What’s the difference?
Find out if you are a candidate for this important vaccination.
If you take care of others, you need self-care too 
If you take care of others, you need self-care too
Consider these factors when evaluating your own mental health.
Is it possible to get the flu shot too soon? 
Is it possible to get the flu shot too soon?
And how long does it take to work?