3 tips for avoiding the ‘Freshman 15’ 
3 tips for avoiding the ‘Freshman 15’
Those heading off to college might end up with some extra baggage if they’re not careful.
A new option for giving blood? 
A new option for giving blood?
What if your phone was always reminding you?
Are you safe from the sun’s rays in your car? 
Are you safe from the sun’s rays in your car?
A dermatologist shares six ways to protect against harmful UV-A light while driving.
Why your ponytail may be giving you a headache 
Why your ponytail may be giving you a headache
These six tips might help you out.
It keeps getting hotter. Be ready. 
It keeps getting hotter. Be ready.
Everyone wants to have fun in the sun, but you should know the signs and symptoms for heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
Would you give your child 4 shots of whiskey? 
Would you give your child 4 shots of whiskey?
The high alcohol content of this common item can be dangerous if used inappropriately.
Not enough Americans are taking this potentially life-saving step  Featured
Not enough Americans are taking this potentially life-saving step
Are you?