4 signs you might have diabetes 
4 signs you might have diabetes
Eight million Americans don’t know they have it. Are you paying attention to the symptoms?
Is this everyday task putting you at risk?  Featured
Is this everyday task putting you at risk?
The danger may be greater for women.
Ready to save a life anytime and anywhere 
Ready to save a life anytime and anywhere
Dr. Mohammed Samee says this superhero is the reason he became a physician.
When infection leads to amputation  Featured
When infection leads to amputation
If you notice any of these symptoms, seek emergency treatment. Your limbs – and even your life – could be at stake.
The case for daily aspirin 
The case for daily aspirin
A study shows that aspirin can help with heart ailments and colon diseases. Learn more.
Should you be worried about germs falling from the sky?  Featured
Should you be worried about germs falling from the sky?
An infection preventionist offers her take on a study examining the viruses and bacteria in the atmosphere.
How to ease fears after mass tragedies 
How to ease fears after mass tragedies
Learn what to do or say to help children understand tragedy and alleviate their fears.