Here’s how to overcome your fear of needles 
Here’s how to overcome your fear of needles
Don’t let it keep you from getting the care you need. Try these tips to ease anxiety.
Should you go on a vegan diet?  Featured
Should you go on a vegan diet?
It’s a growing trend that could help you control weight, cholesterol and blood sugar. A couple experts weigh in.
Can you tell someone is sick just by looking at them?  Featured
Can you tell someone is sick just by looking at them?
An intriguing experiment reveals how facial cues may be a dead giveaway.
Do you really know what a midwife does? 
Do you really know what a midwife does?
Your conception of their role is probably incomplete.
Can you catch the flu more than once this season? 
Can you catch the flu more than once this season?
As if suffering from the virus one time isn’t bad enough.
Are you stronger than this bacteria?  Featured
Are you stronger than this bacteria?
Check out these five ways to outperform your competition.
Can’t stop eating in the evening?  Featured
Can’t stop eating in the evening?
Here’s why watching what you eat only gets harder as the day wears on.