Here’s how to have a healthier work day  Featured
Here’s how to have a healthier work day
Focusing on fitness both on and off the clock is important to optimizing your health.
Are these the unhealthiest meals on U.S. menus? 
Are these the unhealthiest meals on U.S. menus?
Does your favorite restaurant dish make the list?
No pain, no gain? Think again 
No pain, no gain? Think again
Intense, high-impact workouts aren’t for everyone. Consider a gentler approach to getting in shape.
Buying more of this could make you happier 
Buying more of this could make you happier
Find out what your should consider purchasing to make your life more satisfying.
6 foods that are likely to cause food poisoning  Featured
6 foods that are likely to cause food poisoning
You might want to be extra cautious in the kitchen.
Do you know these alcohol facts? 
Do you know these alcohol facts?
Wine v. beer v. liquor? Booze and your metabolism? Test your knowledge.
Can your phone decrease your obesity risk? 
Can your phone decrease your obesity risk?
Here’s how smartphones might make you more active.