Do this in the afternoon to lose weight  Featured
Do this in the afternoon to lose weight
Small changes in your PM routine can have a big impact on your weight loss goals.
Why are yawns contagious? 
Why are yawns contagious?
Experts offer a few theories as to why this phenomenon exists.
Here’s how to fuel your workout  Featured
Here’s how to fuel your workout
You may be overlooking one of the most important components of exercise.
Surprising factor contributing to Carrie Fisher’s death released 
Surprising factor contributing to Carrie Fisher’s death released
The actress suffered from a disorder affecting 22 million Americans.
Think swimming lessons prevent drownings? Think again 
Think swimming lessons prevent drownings? Think again
Why are adept swimmers potentially at greater risk? There’s one thing parents really need to know.
Is saying “I do” the key to a healthy life? 
Is saying “I do” the key to a healthy life?
Might a spouse be the cure for these common conditions?
This common beauty ingredient may be detrimental to your health  Featured
This common beauty ingredient may be detrimental to your health
A germ-fighting chemical is being phased out of hospitals but could still be in your products.