The danger of Q-tips 
The danger of Q-tips
How use of the cotton swabs can lead to infection, hearing loss and other damage.
Proof men feel worse when ill  Featured
Proof men feel worse when ill
Researchers find that estrogen protects women from the most aggressive symptoms of the virus.
LGBT community at higher risk for poor health 
LGBT community at higher risk for poor health
A physician explains the discrepancy in physical and mental health risks and covers efforts to bridge the gap.
When a lack of pain can lead to long-lasting problems 
When a lack of pain can lead to long-lasting problems
A pain management specialist explains why early detection is crucial when it comes to scoliosis.
The real reason men don’t like going to the doctor 
The real reason men don’t like going to the doctor
Survey data reveals concerning responses about why men avoid physician visits, which can worsen overall health.
What do men really think of your high heels? 
What do men really think of your high heels?
One study reveals the powerful effect of these fashion statements on men’s behavior.
Should you take anti-inflammatories before a workout? 
Should you take anti-inflammatories before a workout?
The common practice could be dangerous. An orthopaedic surgeon weighs in.