Kids embrace art therapy on path to recovery  Featured
Kids embrace art therapy on path to recovery
Through art, those battling a serious illness are able to share feelings and gain a sense of control over their lives.
One in five people worldwide will be obese by 2025 
One in five people worldwide will be obese by 2025
If trends continue, nearly half of all Americans will be obese ten years from now.
Twitter may help you quit smoking 
Twitter may help you quit smoking
A new study shows the popular social media platform may be more effective than traditional methods.
Your right arm could indicate your melanoma risk 
Your right arm could indicate your melanoma risk
The number of moles on your right arm could prove to be a quick, reliable indicator of your skin cancer risk.
Think twice about drinking alcohol before bed 
Think twice about drinking alcohol before bed
Researchers say that nearly 20 percent of Americans drink to help doze off. Learn why it’s not a good idea.
5 common hand-washing mistakes 
5 common hand-washing mistakes
Flu season is peaking late this year. Here’s how to properly protect yourself.
Drink more water to cut calorie consumption 
Drink more water to cut calorie consumption
Research shows that water may help with weight management and provide other health benefits.