Eating fish helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease 
Eating fish helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease
Consuming seafood once a week can significantly cut the risk for those predisposed to the disease.
Are you living in a sleep-deprived state? 
Are you living in a sleep-deprived state?
A new CDC report says Americans are getting less than seven hours of shut-eye a night, potentially causing health problems.
Supporting others can boost overall health 
Supporting others can boost overall health
Showing compassion for others can reduce stress and benefit our physical and mental health.
Can a messy home worsen your diet? 
Can a messy home worsen your diet?
A chaotic environment may encourage you to overindulge in unhealthy foods.
Lowering systolic blood pressure could save lives 
Lowering systolic blood pressure could save lives
Researchers found that when the top number is less than 120 there is a lower rate of cardiovascular disease.
Online stalking prevalent in teen relationships 
Online stalking prevalent in teen relationships
A new study says teenagers’ social media activity can put them at risk of being in an unhealthy relationship.
What does it mean to be gluten-free?  Featured
What does it mean to be gluten-free?
An expert shares what you need to know about gluten and who should avoid it.