Lack of sleep may lead to diabetes 
Lack of sleep may lead to diabetes
Researchers say not getting enough shut-eye can cause blood sugar levels to be irregular.
Dental app makes brushing teeth fun 
Dental app makes brushing teeth fun
This technology is getting kids and adults to care about their oral health.
Ask the Dietitian: Thanksgiving Edition 
Ask the Dietitian: Thanksgiving Edition
Health enews gives you a chance to get your questions answered about holiday meals.
Pets may decrease asthma risk in kids 
Pets may decrease asthma risk in kids
Having a dog or farm animal may offer long-term respiratory health benefits.
More kids are being injured by toppling TVs 
More kids are being injured by toppling TVs
Find out how to safely install your television set to prevent these accidents from happening.
Finding accurate firearm storage info online can be challenging 
Finding accurate firearm storage info online can be challenging
A study finds that just two percent of websites feature accurate and complete guidance.
Diet options: Low-fat, low-carb or neither? 
Diet options: Low-fat, low-carb or neither?
A registered dietitian offers insight on how to drop those extra pounds.