Primary care docs treating kids with mental health issues 
Primary care docs treating kids with mental health issues
See why some children are only getting treatment from their pediatrician rather than a psychologist.
How to help someone in an abusive relationship  Featured
How to help someone in an abusive relationship
Learn how to give victims the safety and support they need.
How to burn more calories while walking 
How to burn more calories while walking
Changing up your speed or using a curved path can help you get more out of a workout.
The pain of running a marathon quickly forgotten 
The pain of running a marathon quickly forgotten
If you’ve ever wondered why people run this 26.2 mile race over and over again, this survey may explain why.
Should we rethink how much time we spend in the office? 
Should we rethink how much time we spend in the office?
A Swedish study finds that six hour workdays are better for employees.
Can sports drinks actually improve performance?  Featured
Can sports drinks actually improve performance?
Watermelon, beet and pickle juices are the latest fitness fads. Learn more.
Is the amount of arsenic in red wine harmful? 
Is the amount of arsenic in red wine harmful?
While the amount may seem alarming, some experts say to get the facts first.