Flip-flop warning: These shoes aren’t made for walking  Featured
Flip-flop warning: These shoes aren’t made for walking
Summertime means sandals and flip-flops, but experts say wearing flimsy footwear can wreak havoc on your feet.
Tide turning in the fight against childhood obesity? 
Tide turning in the fight against childhood obesity?
A new report shows a decline in obesity rates among low-income preschoolers in 19 states. Could this be a trend?
How depression impacts your vision 
How depression impacts your vision
According to results of a new survey, there may be a strong link between vision problems and depression.
Cut obesity risk by making lunch fun 
Cut obesity risk by making lunch fun
An expert explains how a dash of creativity with healthy ingredients can turn the brown bag experience into something your kids can get excited about.
Your messy desk could spark brilliance 
Your messy desk could spark brilliance
New research says that how you keep your desk may show off your creativity.
New gluten-free labeling to clear up confusion 
New gluten-free labeling to clear up confusion
The FDA says new regulations regarding food labeling will help millions of people with celiac disease make better nutrition choices.
How well do you understand health insurance? 
How well do you understand health insurance?
A study reveals that complicated health insurance plans may make decisions more difficult under the Affordable Care Act.