4 bites that could really bug you 
4 bites that could really bug you
From bed bugs to pesky mosquitoes, most insect bites are no more than a nuisance, but some bug bites may require medical attention.
Nurses on the front lines of care and health policy  Featured
Nurses on the front lines of care and health policy
At one of Illinois’ largest health systems, nurses get an opportunity to play a much bigger role in impacting health care policy.
How your family medical history impacts your health 
How your family medical history impacts your health
Knowing your family medical history can improve your medical care…and may save your life, health experts say.
Sharing your baby’s binky can be good for their health 
Sharing your baby’s binky can be good for their health
If you’ve ever popped your baby’s pacifier in your mouth for a quick cleaning after it fell on the floor, a new study says it might be a good thing for your little one.
Can eating less salt save a half-million lives? 
Can eating less salt save a half-million lives?
Salt might make your food taste great, but too much of it may harm your health, experts say.
Why men should move 
Why men should move
A recent study suggests the longer men sit, the more prone they are to developing chronic disease.
Suicide rate among middle-aged Americans on the rise 
Suicide rate among middle-aged Americans on the rise
Deaths from suicides have exceeded deaths from vehicle crashes in recent years, says a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.