Got snot? Try a neti pot. 
Got snot? Try a neti pot.
Learn how this little salt water device can make a difference in your life.
What to expect at your annual checkup 
What to expect at your annual checkup
It’s important to see a primary care provider every year.
Surprising reasons why you may need a tetanus booster 
Surprising reasons why you may need a tetanus booster
It’s about more than stepping on a rusty nail.
Here’s how to stay awake while driving 
Here’s how to stay awake while driving
Drowsy driving kills. Follow these tips to keep your eyes on the road.
Is your body prepared to ‘spring forward’? 
Is your body prepared to ‘spring forward’?
Experts say you should get ready as if you were taking a trip to a new time zone.
Is it possible to reverse hypertension? 
Is it possible to reverse hypertension?
A few small changes may have a big impact.
The hidden hazard of gas stoves 
The hidden hazard of gas stoves
A sustainability expert shares tips on how to improve air quality in the home.