Your network might be the key to weight loss 
Your network might be the key to weight loss
Studies show that having a friend or partner join your weight loss journey leads to greater and more lasting results.
Is the pandemic raising your blood pressure? 
Is the pandemic raising your blood pressure?
For a lot of people, it was happening long before the latest surge.
How do you convince stubborn friends and relatives to take COVID-19 seriously?  Featured
How do you convince stubborn friends and relatives to take COVID-19 seriously?
Is Facebook outrage really the best way to do this?
Why the CDC now recommends Pfizer and Moderna vaccines over Johnson & Johnson 
Why the CDC now recommends Pfizer and Moderna vaccines over Johnson & Johnson
The agency’s endorsement follows new evidence of J&J’s safety and effectiveness, as well as consideration of rare adverse events and the overall vaccine supply.
Need alternatives to your typical holiday gathering? Read this.  Featured
Need alternatives to your typical holiday gathering? Read this.
There are way to keep some traditions from a distance.