10 embarrassing questions pregnant women should ask  Featured
10 embarrassing questions pregnant women should ask
No matter how offbeat or shocking, health care experts say that moms-to-be should go ahead and inquire.
Are high-protein diets good for you? 
Are high-protein diets good for you?
Researchers say you should think twice before ditching carbs and fats.
Beware of this summer tradition 
Beware of this summer tradition
Roasting s’mores for National S’mores Day? Stay safe when gathered around a campfire, bonfire or outdoor fire pit.
Do you suffer from sleep drunkenness?  Featured
Do you suffer from sleep drunkenness?
Are you confused when you wake up? You’re not alone, experts say.
How long until your coffee stops working? 
How long until your coffee stops working?
New research reveals you can’t rely on the common stimulant after just three nights of poor sleep.
Can drinking red wine burn fat?  Featured
Can drinking red wine burn fat?
Elements in the dark-colored grapes found in some wines could boost metabolism and improve liver function.
Is cheating good for you? When dieting, the answer may be yes 
Is cheating good for you? When dieting, the answer may be yes
Research shows that having a planned cheat day can help you stay on track to achieve your fitness goals.