How the pandemic is affecting waistlines 
How the pandemic is affecting waistlines
Here’s what the latest data says.
Here’s the good news and bad news for Gen Xers  Featured
Here’s the good news and bad news for Gen Xers
There’s still time to safeguard good health in your golden years.
Here’s another reason to limit processed foods  Featured
Here’s another reason to limit processed foods
Junk can be tasty, sure. But read this.
If you see someone who isn’t wearing a mask in public, what do you do?  Featured
If you see someone who isn’t wearing a mask in public, what do you do?
Confrontations have gone viral. An expert suggests a different approach.
How a bad diet could affect sperm count 
How a bad diet could affect sperm count
A diet low in fruits and vegetables may not just be affecting your waistline.
Do you really need a gynecologist? 
Do you really need a gynecologist?
For women, an annual visit to the primary care doctor may not be enough. Find out why you should see a gynecologist regularly, too.
7 ways to jumpstart weight loss 
7 ways to jumpstart weight loss
Shedding pounds can be difficult at any age. Turns out, the first few hours of the day may hold the most promise for success. Try these tips… before noon.