Do you have early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?  Featured
Do you have early symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?
Muhammad Ali’s death brings increased awareness to a progressive neurological disorder. Find out if you’re at risk.
Mini horses just what doctor ordered 
Mini horses just what doctor ordered
Charmer and Mystery are specially trained to provide comfort and healing to those in need.
Why you should always have a hobby 
Why you should always have a hobby
A new study adds to a growing body of literature suggesting that keeping busy is likely to improve brain function.
Moving beyond grief and loss 
Moving beyond grief and loss
Whether death, divorce or impairment, the recovery process is often difficult. A psychologist offers ideas for overcoming the pain.
New technology allows heart patients to undergo procedure without missing a beat 
New technology allows heart patients to undergo procedure without missing a beat
The latest option to replace aortic valves.
Why does hair turn grey? 
Why does hair turn grey?
Scientists have discovered a gene that might be the reason why hair turns grey. Learn more.
Hearing loss can impact brain function 
Hearing loss can impact brain function
Embarrassed by a hearing aid? A new study reveals that the decision ‘to wear or not to wear’ can affect cognitive ability.