4 things to know about antibiotic resistance and meat 
4 things to know about antibiotic resistance and meat
Widespread use of this drug in agriculture is impacting the way we treat infections.
We may not actually need 8 hours of sleep 
We may not actually need 8 hours of sleep
Our ancestor’s sleep patterns may have been regulated by temperature not sunlight.
How to keep your teeth healthy as you age  Featured
How to keep your teeth healthy as you age
A dentist gives tips on oral health care during the golden years.
Man gains mobility after months of pain from untreated wounds 
Man gains mobility after months of pain from untreated wounds
Donald Williams is able to walk after a life-changing diagnosis and surgery.
For seniors, a small amount of exercise goes a long way 
For seniors, a small amount of exercise goes a long way
A mere 15 minutes a day of physical activity can help to reduce mortality risk.
Is hearing loss linked to earlier death? 
Is hearing loss linked to earlier death?
For older adults, not being able to hear well can impact quality of life.
5 reasons to drink coffee 
5 reasons to drink coffee
That morning cup of Joe offers a variety of health benefits.