New technology detecting more polyps  Featured
New technology detecting more polyps
Doctors are better able to see colon cancer thanks to this device.
Can loneliness shorten your life? 
Can loneliness shorten your life?
A new study finds that social isolation can decrease your lifespan.
We get the flu less often than we think 
We get the flu less often than we think
A new study finds that we don’t contract the bug as frequently as we imagine.
Movie shines light on Alzheimer’s 
Movie shines light on Alzheimer’s
The recently released movie, Still Alice, has put the disease in the spotlight.
Colon cancer rates rising among young adults 
Colon cancer rates rising among young adults
The 50 and up age group aren’t the only ones at risk for this deadly disease.
Meditate, don’t medicate for a good night’s sleep 
Meditate, don’t medicate for a good night’s sleep
Drugs are not the only option when it comes to falling asleep.
Why this year’s flu shot is coming up short 
Why this year’s flu shot is coming up short
While the vaccine is not as effective as hoped, experts say it can still protect you.