New procedure could help avoid bypass surgery 
New procedure could help avoid bypass surgery
A minimally invasive technique and advanced equipment is giving patients relief without a major operation.
Get off your seat for better health 
Get off your seat for better health
Research shows the more time people spend sitting, the higher their risk for heart disease, diabetes and other diseases.
Can the Super Bowl cause heart attacks? 
Can the Super Bowl cause heart attacks?
This Sunday, don’t let the big game impact your heart.
Don’t fumble on food safety this Sunday 
Don’t fumble on food safety this Sunday
New research says proper hand-washing can eliminate the risk of foodborne illnesses during meal prep.
Sleeping well while young pays off in old age 
Sleeping well while young pays off in old age
New research says improving sleeping habits early in life could ward off memory problems later.
What can we learn from Ernie Banks’ sudden passing? 
What can we learn from Ernie Banks’ sudden passing?
Mr. Cub reportedly died following a heart attack. Are you at risk as well?
Knee pain going upstairs may signal arthritis 
Knee pain going upstairs may signal arthritis
Pain while climbing stairs could be a cause for concern, according to researchers.