Combatting hospital infections 
Combatting hospital infections
During International Infection Prevention Week, all are being urged to take a sensible approach to manage their own health care.
A link between sleep deprivation and Alzheimer’s? 
A link between sleep deprivation and Alzheimer’s?
A small study takes a look at the correlation between the disease and sleep habits.
Infographic: Healthy numbers for a healthy heart 
Infographic: Healthy numbers for a healthy heart
How do your numbers compare? Check it out.
Chronic pain sufferers key in on certain words 
Chronic pain sufferers key in on certain words
Ever notice a different kind of reaction to pain-associated words?
How to stay motivated after an injury  Featured
How to stay motivated after an injury
Motivation is different for everyone. Learn how to stay positive in recovery mode.
Hand washing important for hospital patients 
Hand washing important for hospital patients
Keeping clean helps prevent infection and can speed path to wellness.
Cancer patients dealing with more than disease 
Cancer patients dealing with more than disease
Many people who are diagnosed with cancer also experience depression and anxiety, according to new research.