6 ways to reduce your risk of cancer 
6 ways to reduce your risk of cancer
Experts say these tips can significantly lower the chances of getting the disease.
Belief in guardian angels cuts down risky behavior 
Belief in guardian angels cuts down risky behavior
A new study finds that those who believe these heavenly beings are watching over them are less likely to be risk takers.
Sometimes, age is just a number 
Sometimes, age is just a number
90-year-old, Dorothea travels across the world, line dances and practices tai chi to keep her mind and body sharp.
With old age comes increased fall risks 
With old age comes increased fall risks
Learn how these very common injuries can be avoided.
Can a blood test predict Alzheimer’s? 
Can a blood test predict Alzheimer’s?
Researchers say it’s possible to predict your risk for the disease and mild dementia.
Low vitamin D may increase risk for Alzheimer’s 
Low vitamin D may increase risk for Alzheimer’s
New research finds that people low on this vitamin may be at higher risk for this type of dementia.
Healthy tips to aging well 
Healthy tips to aging well
Experts say taking care of yourself is as easy as exercising, not smoking and limiting your alcohol.