Seniors who volunteer get a health boost 
Seniors who volunteer get a health boost
Canadian researchers say that older people who help others are also helping themselves.
Can eating tomatoes lower risk of prostate cancer? 
Can eating tomatoes lower risk of prostate cancer?
New research says the antioxidant, Lycopene, can ward off the disease.
Sleeping pill abuse on the rise 
Sleeping pill abuse on the rise
A new report finds the number of hospital visits related to sleep medications is spiking.
How germ-free is your kitchen? 
How germ-free is your kitchen?
The places where pathogens hide in your kitchen can cause foodborne illnesses. Find the hideouts and how to keep germs away.
Don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor 
Don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor
Physicians say it’s better to ask too many questions than too few.
Hot weather tough for those with chronic illness 
Hot weather tough for those with chronic illness
The late summer steamy temps are especially hard for some people. Find out why.
AHA takes a stand on e-cigarettes 
AHA takes a stand on e-cigarettes
The American Heart Association is recommending stricter regulations on electronic cigarettes.