Hip replacement helps patient climb mountain 
Hip replacement helps patient climb mountain
Read one man’s journey from having hip surgery to the top of Yosemite.
Colon cancer survivor gives back 
Colon cancer survivor gives back
See how one patient is raising funds and awareness of the disease, one year after her own diagnosis.
Cut salt? Grab herbs and spices 
Cut salt? Grab herbs and spices
Research shows learning alternatives to flavoring our food can help manage a low sodium diet.
The gym: What gets you there? 
The gym: What gets you there?
Get the details on how people choose where to workout and what’s trending in the fitness world.
The surprising connection between dental and mental health 
The surprising connection between dental and mental health
Learn more about the link between tooth loss, depression and anxiety.
Can gardening be as good as exercise? 
Can gardening be as good as exercise?
Staying active and doing daily tasks may be key to improving cardiovascular health in older adults.
So much to know about sneezing 
So much to know about sneezing
With allergy season on the way, here are eight things you should know about sneezing.