Sleep apnea linked to pneumonia risk 
Sleep apnea linked to pneumonia risk
A new study finds that people with sleep apnea have a greater chance of getting the lung infection.
Healthier food choices for lower income Americans 
Healthier food choices for lower income Americans
The USDA has revised their WIC program to include more fruits, veggies and grains.
4 things you should know about your poop  Featured
4 things you should know about your poop
Find out how getting to know your colon may help save your life.
Physical pains triggered by others’ emotions? 
Physical pains triggered by others’ emotions?
When we see others experience ‘social’ pain, a new study says a pain response is tripped in our brain.
How pets can boost owner’s health  Featured
How pets can boost owner’s health
Find out why our experts say your dogs and cats can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
4 ways to maximize your nutrition 
4 ways to maximize your nutrition
Learn how to add great-tasting, healthy foods packed with essential nutrients into your daily diet.
Unemployment speeds up aging in men 
Unemployment speeds up aging in men
Long-term stints without a job can lead to serious health problems including faster aging, researchers say.