Overweight? It could be your genes 
Overweight? It could be your genes
It’s harder for some to lose pounds because of genetics, according to one study.
Is lane splitting safe for motorcycles? 
Is lane splitting safe for motorcycles?
Surprising findings are causing some states to reconsider allowing motorcyclists to drive in between cars.
New research finds no benefits in eating placenta 
New research finds no benefits in eating placenta
With numerous celebrity endorsements, researchers weigh in on this controversial practice.
Are you getting enough sleep? 
Are you getting enough sleep?
Not getting enough shut-eye has serious health consequences.
Are gummy bears healthier than fruit snacks? 
Are gummy bears healthier than fruit snacks?
While their packaging makes plenty of health claims, experts advise parents to steer clear of these fruity go-to snacks.
Emoticons encourage kids to make healthier choices 
Emoticons encourage kids to make healthier choices
Small rewards lead to a significant increase in kids picking fruits and veggies.
Pain from tattoos lasts long after ink has dried 
Pain from tattoos lasts long after ink has dried
One in 10 people are left with skin reactions, according to a recent survey.