Eye injuries from airsoft guns on the rise 
Eye injuries from airsoft guns on the rise
Find out how to keep kids from getting hurt.
Teens go online for answers to their health questions 
Teens go online for answers to their health questions
Experts say adolescents could be putting themselves at risk when self-diagnosing.
Can drinking orange juice help your memory? 
Can drinking orange juice help your memory?
Research finds that enjoying a pint of OJ a day can sharpen brain function.
Kids’ healthy habits worsen over summer break 
Kids’ healthy habits worsen over summer break
With school out, children spend more time watching TV and eat more sugar, too.
How fructose can wreak havoc on your health 
How fructose can wreak havoc on your health
One type of sugar is linked to weight gain, physical inactivity and more, says a study.
Positive messages about food have the best impact 
Positive messages about food have the best impact
Promoting the benefits of healthy choices is more likely to help people improve their diets.
Can dressing up make you more creative? 
Can dressing up make you more creative?
Put on a suit if you want to think outside the box, new research says.