Why early detection for prostate cancer is critical 
Why early detection for prostate cancer is critical
The sooner the disease is caught, the higher the survival rate.
Kissing a beard could be like kissing a toilet 
Kissing a beard could be like kissing a toilet
Fecal matter may hide in facial hair, according to a recent laboratory analysis.
Text your pain away? 
Text your pain away?
Researchers find that messaging strangers may reduce the amount of anesthesia needed during surgery.
A 50 percent increase in breast cancer by 2030? 
A 50 percent increase in breast cancer by 2030?
New research finds that diagnoses could rise, but experts say there is some good news.
Healthy kids’ meal options do work 
Healthy kids’ meal options do work
New surveys show that children are picking healthier entrées.
Another reason for kids to turn off the TV 
Another reason for kids to turn off the TV
Those who watch just an hour a day are more likely to be overweight.
Can pineapple water keep the doctor away? 
Can pineapple water keep the doctor away?
Hear from an expert on this current trend.