Household mold increases risk of childhood asthma 
Household mold increases risk of childhood asthma
Maintaining a healthy family starts with the home.
Brain bleeds could overwhelm hospitals in the future 
Brain bleeds could overwhelm hospitals in the future
As the population continues to age, this serious health condition is on the rise.
What we can learn from Angelina Jolie 
What we can learn from Angelina Jolie
The star’s decision to remove her fallopian tubes and ovaries has women talking about prevention.
Teens doing more than texting while driving 
Teens doing more than texting while driving
Multitasking among young drivers is becoming more dangerous than ever.
Can watching cooking shows lead to weight gain? 
Can watching cooking shows lead to weight gain?
New research shows that recipes on TV can be harmful to your health.
Teens’ memory harmed by pot 
Teens’ memory harmed by pot
New research finds that heavy marijuana users performed poorly on long-term memory tasks.
Risk of anal cancer looms for those with HIV 
Risk of anal cancer looms for those with HIV
Researchers are now studying the link between these two conditions.