What really happens when you’re afraid? 
What really happens when you’re afraid?
Whether it’s a fake zombie or something closer to reality, the reactions your body goes through when being scared are no trick or treat.
Placebo, agave nectar help kids’ cough better than nothing 
Placebo, agave nectar help kids’ cough better than nothing
New research offers possible alternatives for a child’s cough.
U.S. college students healthier than U.K. counterparts 
U.S. college students healthier than U.K. counterparts
Learn more about why American students are more health conscious than their peers across the pond.
What’s really in weight loss supplements? 
What’s really in weight loss supplements?
A new study uncovers an untested stimulant drug can be found in these diet supplements.
New safety check-in feature on Facebook 
New safety check-in feature on Facebook
Learn about this new way to keep your family and friends updated during natural disaster situations.
Getting your child from couch potato to physically fit 
Getting your child from couch potato to physically fit
Parents can play a key role in helping their kids move from video screens to a more active, healthy life.
Alcohol could improve memory among seniors 
Alcohol could improve memory among seniors
According to new research, light to moderate drinking in your later years could yield better recollection.