Helping and celebrating those in recovery 
Helping and celebrating those in recovery
September is National Recovery Month, created to shine the light on behavioral health and addiction.
Society benefits from the aging population 
Society benefits from the aging population
From increased productivity to a positive impact on the environment, older people have much to offer.
Is raking leaves risky for your heart? 
Is raking leaves risky for your heart?
With fall upon us, health experts say you need to be careful while cleaning up the yard.
6 ways to reduce your risk of cancer 
6 ways to reduce your risk of cancer
Experts say these tips can significantly lower the chances of getting the disease.
Belief in guardian angels cuts down risky behavior 
Belief in guardian angels cuts down risky behavior
A new study finds that those who believe these heavenly beings are watching over them are less likely to be risk takers.
Online physician ratings are influencing parents 
Online physician ratings are influencing parents
Poor reviews significantly affect parents’ choice of a pediatrician, experts say.
Children of college educated parents eat healthier 
Children of college educated parents eat healthier
A new survey finds that parents’ educational level has an effect on their kids’ eating habits.