Obese parents, kids lose more weight when treated together 
Obese parents, kids lose more weight when treated together
Families that battle weight issues together with outside help get better results.
Study shows fist bump may be safest greeting 
Study shows fist bump may be safest greeting
Though the handshake has been the polite greeting for centuries, new research shows why it may be wise to embrace the bump.
How common herbs may help people with diabetes 
How common herbs may help people with diabetes
Oregano and rosemary may provide health benefits for those with diabetes.
Can fish oil help treat heart disease? 
Can fish oil help treat heart disease?
A new study looks at how the oil can reduce cardiac events among high-risk patients.
Bug sprays getting label facelift 
Bug sprays getting label facelift
The EPA has come out with a labeling system for insect repellents that will make avoiding bites this summer easier.
New warning sign helps predict autism early 
New warning sign helps predict autism early
Researchers may have discovered a new way to detect autism among high-risk babies.
Multiple chronic diseases threaten life expectancy 
Multiple chronic diseases threaten life expectancy
Suffering from numerous prolonged medical conditions may be threatening the elderly’s life expectancy.