Heroin users trending older, white, suburban 
Heroin users trending older, white, suburban
Research shows many turn to heroin as a less expensive, more accessible alternative to prescription painkillers.
West Nile may be close to home 
West Nile may be close to home
The virus carried by mosquitos and dead birds has been reported in the Chicago region.
What’s to blame for expanding waistlines? 
What’s to blame for expanding waistlines?
A new study sheds light on the factors behind rising obesity rates in the United States.
New eczema treatment for kids? 
New eczema treatment for kids?
Wet wrap therapy may help kids with atopic dermatitis reduce the need for strong medication over time.
Dark chocolate may improve blood flow 
Dark chocolate may improve blood flow
Can dark chocolate help older adults walk faster and farther? Get the details.
Could losing weight act as a sleep aid? 
Could losing weight act as a sleep aid?
Researchers have found that weight loss may improve your sleep and your mood.
Healthy lifestyle may offer a second chance 
Healthy lifestyle may offer a second chance
Embracing a healthy way of life could help you beat coronary artery disease.