More births happening outside of hospitals 
More births happening outside of hospitals
A new CDC report finds an increase in births occurring at home or in birthing centers.
Hangover effects on your next drink 
Hangover effects on your next drink
According to new research, there is little to no influence from a hangover on subsequent alcohol consumption.
Physical pains triggered by others’ emotions? 
Physical pains triggered by others’ emotions?
When we see others experience ‘social’ pain, a new study says a pain response is tripped in our brain.
How sleep machines can harm your baby’s hearing 
How sleep machines can harm your baby’s hearing
The devices are meant to lull your baby to sleep. But a new study shows they can actually affect your child’s hearing and development.
Can turning off a gene prevent the spread of breast cancer? 
Can turning off a gene prevent the spread of breast cancer?
Scientists find a promising link between protein and cancer cells. Learn more.
College athletes: Fit now, unhealthy later? 
College athletes: Fit now, unhealthy later?
A recent study suggests injuries sustained during college years might prevent activity later in life.
4 ways to maximize your nutrition 
4 ways to maximize your nutrition
Learn how to add great-tasting, healthy foods packed with essential nutrients into your daily diet.