Vitamin D supplement’s effects on depression 
Vitamin D supplement’s effects on depression
A new study finds that the vitamin has little to no effect on reducing depression symptoms.
Can drinking coffee improve your memory? 
Can drinking coffee improve your memory?
New research says the caffeine you drink may boost your recall skills.
Medicine safety caps not so ‘childproof’ 
Medicine safety caps not so ‘childproof’
An alarming study shows that it’s pretty easy for kids—even toddlers— to get into medicine bottles.
Gum chewing can lead to migraines in kids 
Gum chewing can lead to migraines in kids
Teens who quit chewing gum found almost immediate relief from pounding headaches, a new study shows.
Stay active all day, live longer 
Stay active all day, live longer
Learn how leading an active lifestyle, even without regular exercise can improve your heart health and increase your lifespan.
Baby talk gets babies talking sooner 
Baby talk gets babies talking sooner
A new study says it’s not the quality of words you speak, but how and where you say them that helps babies build language skills.
Hearing loss linked to weight 
Hearing loss linked to weight
A study finds that hearing problems can also be tied to your BMI. Get the details.