Positive attitude helps heart patients live longer 
Positive attitude helps heart patients live longer
A new study shows that an optimistic outlook on life can go a long way in helping people with heart disease thrive.
Eating disorders overlooked in obese teens 
Eating disorders overlooked in obese teens
Find out why teens who are overweight may go undiagnosed for eating disorders and develop more severe medical complications.
Is your smoothie worse for you than soda? 
Is your smoothie worse for you than soda?
Experts warn that many smoothies and juices contain just as much sugar as a large soft drink, and lack the nutritional benefit of whole fruit.
Are human brains hardwired to feel others’ pain? 
Are human brains hardwired to feel others’ pain?
New research finds that your mind may actually be designed to empathize with those closest to you.
Teens more vulnerable to web danger than they think 
Teens more vulnerable to web danger than they think
As tech-savvy as we might think teens are, a new survey says most of them don’t know how to safely surf the web.
Can smoking cigarettes cost you a job? 
Can smoking cigarettes cost you a job?
The rising cost of health care and health reform has some counties rethinking hiring smokers. Read more.
Younger women benefit from getting mammograms earlier 
Younger women benefit from getting mammograms earlier
Find out why researchers say the lives of more young women could be saved if they received mammograms sooner.