What really happens when you’re afraid? 
What really happens when you’re afraid?
Whether it’s a fake zombie or something closer to reality, the reactions your body goes through when being scared are no trick or treat.
New safety check-in feature on Facebook 
New safety check-in feature on Facebook
Learn about this new way to keep your family and friends updated during natural disaster situations.
Improper medication can be dangerous for kids 
Improper medication can be dangerous for kids
Here’s what parents need to know to avoid mistakes when giving their kids medications.
Even young kids at risk for eating disorders 
Even young kids at risk for eating disorders
A recent study takes a look at how elementary-age kids can develop the disorder.
Secondhand smoke or extreme air pollution – what’s worse? 
Secondhand smoke or extreme air pollution – what’s worse?
A new study highlights the dangers of living with a smoker.
Why getting your flu shot should be top priority 
Why getting your flu shot should be top priority
Ebola has been getting the headlines, but one physician explains why flu is the greater risk to the U.S.
Men and women react different to mental stress 
Men and women react different to mental stress
Women have more decreased blood flow to the heart when they are under pressure. Get the details.